Menu Latin American Ministry


June 2012

Pam and I have just arrived home after a lengthy ministry trip. We traveled a total of 4075 miles in what we called a Spring Harvest trip. We visited churches and people in AR, NE, WY and SD. The opportunity to share the Gospel and the work of LAM as always was the motivation for taking such a long trip. What made this one different from the others we take? We did it on a motorcycle. The sights and sounds of such a trip are spectacular but the sights and sounds of people coming to Christ or rediscovering their purpose is beyond description. The Lord moved  powerfully in homes, churches and even cafe's during this trip. It was a marvelous time for us. With camera in hand, Pam documented the trip as we traveled from city to city and state to state. From a man who felt God would no longer use his gifting and leadership ability to a guitar player who hadn't played in years. From people called into a Spanish speaking ministry, to a woman with cancer standing strong in her faith for God's healing power. We saw God do amazing things. We visited people we haven't seen in many years and were encouraged to find them strong in the faith. When I first arrived in Pierre, SD in May of 1988 I asked God for the meanest man in the city. A few years later I became dear friends with a man who many said could be that man. On this visit I talked with him at length about his life. He cried openly as we talked of God, hope and  friendship. He told me his heart was right with God and how I had impacted his life through our friendship.  As I listened to him talk I knew I would someday see this man in heaven. While certainly not completely due to my efforts, I knew I had a hand in his conversion. My friend that is true mission work. I stood on a peak, in the Big Horn mountains, with a  friend in awe of what God has given us here on earth and pondered that if earth is this beautiful after man's contamination, what must heaven be like? (Eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared)
            Together Pam and I prayed for you; as the sun rose over the prairie or the mountains we called out to the father on your behalf. Expect to hear from heaven, expect God to do something special for you. As the Shunamite woman in II Kings 4 don't allow yourself to speak anything but life over the promises God has given you. She refused to speak death over her son (her promise). She only spoke, It is Well! Like her we speak those words over the promises God has made us and we encourage you to do the same. The fruit from this long journey will only truly be measured in heaven but we are confident that God has used us this month in some way to bring hope and encouragement to others.
            We want to welcome any new partners who are receiving this letter for the first time. God blessed us with new people who will also help carry the torch of providing healthy meals, a word of hope and a loving environment to hungry children.
            By the time you read this letter it will be less than 2 weeks until I will once again be in Cuba. Please help me pray about his trip. I want my visit there to be a blessing and not a burden. Pray for open doors and divine favor.


December 2011

           Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus! As always the fall is passing way too fast for me. It is my favorite time of the year and filled with so many wonderful memories.  The Lord has been so good to us and we are truly grateful for all his blessings.
            The month of November started with a trip to Houston to Iglesia Sobre la Roca. Pastor Loreto DiCesare and his staff received  us so warmly. Pam preached a powerful message on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It will long be remembered as a life changing word for many. Juan & Maribel Magaña, some dear friends, traveled with us and Maribel served as translator for Pam. The results of the message were powerful. The altar was filled with people hungry for a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit's power in their lives. It was truly a great time.
            One of the benefits of serving as Pastor of a predominately Hispanic church, is the abundance of good Mexican food prepared fresh and often. Their two rule fellowship code is "Big and Often." We have been blessed to have been involved with our church for many years and look forward to more great things to come.  
           As a church we have been renting a Tuscaloosa Parks and Recreation facility to hold our services. Of course this requires set up and take down every week. Yesterday we celebrated our first service in our new location. The Church of the Nazarene offered us the use of their building as a location for our ministry. We were so excited to accept their Kingdom minded invitation. Pastor Freddy Williams and I became acquainted during the tornado relief effort and have maintained a friendship since. His offer was both accepted and appreciated by our church. Thank you Church of the Nazarene.
Wings of Hope, Omega, Christmas 2010
            We are once again planning a great Christmas celebration for all the children in the feeding centers. Javier and his staff are already busy planning the parties. As always each child will receive an assortment of presents and a special Christmas meal prepared and served by the loving staff of each center. Each of the children will hear the story of Christmas taught by the teachers at each location. Early in December we will be hosting an evening out for all the directors at a local restaurant in Saltillo. It will be a special evening for them. They all do so much to make the work successful and we are so appreciative for their sacrifice of love. All of their work is voluntary and we thank God for them and want to show them that they are loved.
            Pam and I want to thank you yet again for your unselfish giving to this ministry. We are so blessed to have you on our team. We pray that you will enter the new year with an expectancy for a harvest from good seed sown in good ground. LAM is blessed to have you as a partner.
            Have a very Merry Christmas, take time with your family and loved ones. Enjoy the sight and sounds of the season and remember that Jesus was born so that you and I could be born again.
                    Your Friends,
                    Jim and Pam Stockdale


     Greetings from all of us at LAM. We hope you experienced the best Resurrection Sunday you have ever had.
     We made another great annual trip to Garland, TX this month. The children's ministry at Iglesia Sobre La Roca once again blessed LAM with their 2010 Christmas offering. Although a little belated, we thanked them publicly with a presentation of a beautiful plaque for their help. We know there are many worthy ministries out there and we thank all of you who make our work easier with your generous support. We are blessed to know you.
Refueling in Crosset, AR
       When Pam and I flew to Garland, an interesting thing happened. It is a trip that can often be made without stopping for fuel but it became impossible this time due to a 40 mph head wind. We made a non eventful landing at Crosset, AR (CRT), refueled and continued to our destination. I could have made the tragic mistake that so many pilots have made. I could have said, "I've made this trip may times before, I know I can make it." To have done so would have been a grave error. 
      How often do we as Christians continue on our journey, knowing that we need to stop and refuel? We continue going through the same spiritual calisthenics we've been doing, only to find out, as Samson of old, that our strength has drained out. We must make regular fuel stops along our journey. These stops must not be based upon the distance covered, but upon the time the engine has been running. My airplane will run 4:45 minutes and then regardless of how far I've come, where I am, or who's on board, the engine will shut down. You too have a limit, be sure to make note of it. Learn to say no, I can't, another time, maybe tomorrow, etc. I hope you have a spiritual fuel stop planned soon! We need them often, even daily. Don't allow yourself to become so absorbed in serving, that you forget to feed yourself. The results could be devastating. 
      Pam's father often tells us both to take time to smell the roses as we travel through life. Truer words have never been spoken. The refreshing smell of a rose after a rain or the marvel of a hummingbird as he drinks deep will both do you good. Each will cause you to ponder about the power of God's creativity. Between the sharp thorns of a rose bush he chose to grow one of natures most aromatic and beautiful flowers. Through an aeronautical marvel he chose to demonstrate his ability to defy logic through a bird not much larger than your thumb. The only bird in the world who can fly backwards. Indeed a wonder! We must take time to refuel.

Your Friends,
Jim &Pam Stockdale


April 2011

        I consider myself to be a man who has been blessed indeed.  Whether we are sitting with a table full of children and listening to their stories, celebrating the acomplishments with the feeding center workers or talking with the Director of Operations at the Saltillo, MX airport, we are accepted as people who care enough to do more than talk.
Pam and I feel that it is important to spend some special time with the directors of the feeding centers from time to time.  We enjoy taking them to a nice restaurant in Saltillo and celebrate their great work. It is such a blessing to see them enjoying the special treatment. It is always a great time.
When we arrived at the feeding centers the children were so excited to see us. They ran and embraced us and couldn't wait to hear the story of my knee and eye surgeries. I told them the complete story of how the knee and eye where operated on. They looked on with great interest and told me about how they had prayed for me and were so glad to hear the good reports. 
For many years we have been landing at the airport in Saltillo and have been so blessed by its Director, Eliseo Valdez. In order to help us with the feeding centers, he has waived all landing and parking fees since 2006. We have formed many lasting friendships with the men who work there and are so happy to be received with so much care. On this trip we had prepared two 8x10 collage pictures to give to him for his office. He seemed genuinely happy to have them and pledged his continued support of our work for another year. That is certainly a blessing since it costs about $20.00 per night to park and $15.00 for landing. It can easily add up to $100.00 each trip.
We were blessed to be at a new church this month. Rivers Edge Church of East Texas received us and our ministry so kindly. They have been supporting our work for several months but we had never met them before this visit. It is amazing how God connects people in the Kingdom. Pastors Phil an Kristine Brown are doing a great job and the church, while only one year old, is growing and putting down deep roots in the beautiful town of Lindale, TX. 
We look forward to seeing you sometime this year. Keep us in your prayers as we continue to travel a lot and preach the gospel every chance we get. The church in Tuscaloosa continues to grow as well and we are excited about this years work on both sides of the border.
Your Friends,
Jim &Pam Stockdale


 Dear Friend,
      Regardless of our station in life we all have something to be thankful for. Tomorrow we will celebrate Thanksgiving with our family, extended family and friends. It is an annual event that we look forward to all year. By the time this letter arrives in you mail box it will be over. Does that mean my thankfulness has also ended? Most certainly it must not! To be thankful is a matter of will not emotion. While we can always find something that we don't like, we must find things daily for which to be thankful for. Thanks moves the heart of God.  I sat in the home of a precious family just last night who have so moved Pam and me. This family of 4 came here with nothing, from the worst of the violent cities along the border of MX. The first time I went to their home (2 months ago), was to take them some much needed "stuff." They were sleeping on the floor, living without beds, furniture, and indeed even very much food, yet they were so thankful to be here and out of the violence of Juárez. This whole family of 4 makes a living working at McDonald's. They speak very little English, but are overjoyed to have a job, even if at McDonald's.  After tithes, offerings and taxes, they make very little per hour, but have no complaints.  They invited us to their home to give us an offering. This family is a lesson out loud to all of us who have so much.
      If you ever get a chance, go visit a car junk yard, you will see the rusted out dreams of yesterday. Those cars were someone's goals, who thought, "If I just had that 1982 Cutlass!" Look at it today, just scrape metal, the former owner now needing something new. Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with you wanting something new but remember, happiness will never be found in the abundance of what one possesses (Luke 12:15) but in the treasure of your heart. True joy is buried within and the shovel of thankfulness will dig it out. May we find the will to be as Paul instructed in 1Th 5:18  "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. You want to walk in God's will; you can start by being thankful.  "Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."  
     I'm thankful for my brother in law Randy Lott, who in 2002 started taking flying lessons, which inspired me to hear the Lord ask me, "Do you still believe you will have an airplane someday; isn't it time you learn to fly one?" In just a few days I will be loading that airplane with coats and clothes  as I once again head back to Mexico. It will be my great pleasure to leave money with Javier for the purchase of Christmas presents for the children at Wings of Hope. To see the smiles on their faces is always a great reward. Salutation, it is because of your help that we are able to help others. I am so thankful for you.
     May you always have a grateful heart and enjoy this beautiful season with friends and loved ones. Until we meet again, 
Blessings and Peace be unto you.    
Jim &Pam Stockdale        


June 2010

We have just returned from another great trip to Mexico. It was a journey filled with challenge and triumph! Thank you for everything you do to help us do our job! Your partnership is beyond value!

Our speaking schedule took us to Athens, TX and Abundant Harvest Church. Pastors Marc & Angela Jones were great hosts and received us so warmly. After a great Sunday morning service with them we departed in the afternoon for San Antonio, TX to pick up two passengers.

When we were in Mexico near the end of February, an interesting thing happened. In route we flew directly over San Antonio, TX and as we were passing over that sprawling city I commented to Pam that "We really need some contacts here in this beautiful city." The second day after arriving in Mexico, Javier told me he would like to introduce us to a Pastor friend of his, staying at the same hotel, visiting

here guessed it, San Antonio, TX. Just two doors down from our room this man comes out of his room and hears us speaking English to each other. He says to himself, "This person is from the U.S." and about that time he sees Javier, Pam and me talking. After an introduction and brief visit I told him about my recent comment to Pam and our need for a contact in San Antonio. He told me if we ever have the chance, to come and see him and on this trip we took him up on it. He and a young man from his church picked us up at the San Antonio International Airport, took us to supper, to our hotel and then to his home to meet his family. They took such good care of us and even picked up our guests the next day at the airport terminal, what a great blessing they were to us. It amazes me how God is always listening to our hearts cry and ready to open doors for us. Doors that he opens always lead to blessing.

We arrived in Saltillo Monday afternoon and just 4 hours later Jerry & Ann Jett from Harvest International Ministry arrived. They were both such a blessing as were Maribel and Kara. We visited two of the feeding centers and were treated to a marvelous program at each. If you haven't seen the video from this trip you can do so by going to and in their search box type: LAM Update May. You can select the video from the list and I know you will enjoy it. Pass it along to friends and family for their enjoyment too. If you do not receive the email updates you can sign up for them at our web site and then you will receive the video updates as well.

Javier & Mily's house is nearing completion now and is only lacking the final coat of stucco on the walls & ceiling. Then the fixtures will be installed and they can move in. It is still several weeks from completion but so much closer than before. The two upstairs rooms will give them the room they have needed for so many years. Even with the added space of two rooms and bathrooms, their house is still very small for 5 people. It is just more evidence of the dedication and devotion these wonderful people have to the work of the gospel.

Jerry preached a powerful message on Wednesday night entitled "Facing and Conquering Our Fears." After his great message we were all ready to storm the gates of Hell armed with nothing but a squirt gun! At the conclusion of the message the altar filled with young and old, seeking a divine touch from God.

We Love you,

Jim &Pam Stockdale


Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus! As we prepare for one of the most celebrated days of the year, Easter, I want to remind you of a very important fact. As a believer, resurrection day means so much more than the commonly celebrated day to attend church, hunt Easter eggs, buy new clothes and have dinner with Momma & Daddy. It is the day that our savior, Jesus the Christ, defeated death, hell and the grave by openly triumphing over them all. Colosians 2:14-15 says, "He canceled the unfavorable record of our debts with it's binding rules and did away with it completely by nailing it to the cross. (15) And on that cross Christ freed himself from the power of the spiritual rulers and authorities; he made a public spectacle of them by leading them as captives in his victory procession." The greeting used by the first century church was simple. When meeting a fellow believer one simply said, HE IS RISEN! The reply was, HE IS RISEN IN DEED! There were no thoughts of Easter eggs or the latest fashions. Their primary and single minded purpose was to continue growing stronger in him, who was risen indeed!

Construction is well under way on Javier and Mily's house. (that is the correct spelling for Mily's name) As with many construction projects there is a certain amount of tearing out of the old before the new can be added. Isn't that much like our own lives. Doesn't the bible say something about "Old things have passed away, and behold all things have become new?" Well some things are certainly passing away and others are becoming new on the Argüello's house! To God be the Glory! We are so excited for them!

As you may remember, we are planning the 2nd Annual Ride For Hope. The dates for the ride will be October 10-20. As before, we will depart the Tuscaloosa area on Sunday afternoon for an overnight in Jackson, MS. Last year's ride was so memorable and any of you who enjoy motorcycles, serving others, and want to be a part of a missions trip, start planning now so you won't miss this great opportunity. You will need a passport so get yours ready now. October will be here before you know it.

In May of 2000 I made my first mission trip to Latin America by visiting Cuba. It completely changed my life and the life of my family. Part of getting ready for that trip was getting a Passport. On March 5th of this year that Passport expired. I thought about the many trips I've taken these last 10 years with it and looked at the stamps on it's pages. It has now expired and can no longer be used as legal identification. Each of us comes with an expiration date that only the Lord knows. I knew when I came out of Mexico on Feb 26th that I could never use it again. I had no regrets, for I have used it to travel to many parts of the world. I look forward now to the new one which will arrive in just a few days and to the places I will take it. When my body reaches it's expiration date, I want to be able to say to the Lord. I have no regrets. II Tim 4:7-8 says, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. (8) Now there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that Day; and not to me only, but also to all those who love His appearing."

Jim &Pam Stockdale