So, if you want to make a statement in the face of fear, continue doing something for someone else out of the love of God that abides in you. I guarantee that you will feel faith rising up within you as you do, and you will soon overcome the trap that the enemy has set for you. It sounds to me like the Devil is up to his same old tricks, Fear tactics. Don’t believe it! Even if this was the worst time since the great depression, does that change God or his promise? A thousand times no! “Now thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ, and He is revealing through us the fragrance of the knowledge of Him in every place.” 2Co 2:14
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These two little guys pictured here are bowing their heads as we say the blessing over the food about to be received. This is the highly coveted “private table” at the Omega feeding center. The children race to be the first ones to arrive and by doing so, get to be one of the two special ones who sit here. I was touched by their sincerity as the blessing was being offered for the
The change boxes are still doing a marvelous job of collecting change for the children. Pam and I still go once a week and collect the money. It is long days spent on the road right here in Tuscaloosa, and then still more time counting the change but we are happy to do it to see the smiling faces on children who would otherwise not have a hot meal. If you are interested in helping us, we have a great plan to help your church or group raise money. Please contact me to learn more.
God bless you as you continue to give out of the love in your heart for the work we are doing. We value every partner and pray for you daily. May the God of peace keep you and bless you,
Your Friends,
Jim and Pam Stockdale