Menu Latin American Ministry


Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus! As we prepare for one of the most celebrated days of the year, Easter, I want to remind you of a very important fact. As a believer, resurrection day means so much more than the commonly celebrated day to attend church, hunt Easter eggs, buy new clothes and have dinner with Momma & Daddy. It is the day that our savior, Jesus the Christ, defeated death, hell and the grave by openly triumphing over them all. Colosians 2:14-15 says, "He canceled the unfavorable record of our debts with it's binding rules and did away with it completely by nailing it to the cross. (15) And on that cross Christ freed himself from the power of the spiritual rulers and authorities; he made a public spectacle of them by leading them as captives in his victory procession." The greeting used by the first century church was simple. When meeting a fellow believer one simply said, HE IS RISEN! The reply was, HE IS RISEN IN DEED! There were no thoughts of Easter eggs or the latest fashions. Their primary and single minded purpose was to continue growing stronger in him, who was risen indeed!

Construction is well under way on Javier and Mily's house. (that is the correct spelling for Mily's name) As with many construction projects there is a certain amount of tearing out of the old before the new can be added. Isn't that much like our own lives. Doesn't the bible say something about "Old things have passed away, and behold all things have become new?" Well some things are certainly passing away and others are becoming new on the Argüello's house! To God be the Glory! We are so excited for them!

As you may remember, we are planning the 2nd Annual Ride For Hope. The dates for the ride will be October 10-20. As before, we will depart the Tuscaloosa area on Sunday afternoon for an overnight in Jackson, MS. Last year's ride was so memorable and any of you who enjoy motorcycles, serving others, and want to be a part of a missions trip, start planning now so you won't miss this great opportunity. You will need a passport so get yours ready now. October will be here before you know it.

In May of 2000 I made my first mission trip to Latin America by visiting Cuba. It completely changed my life and the life of my family. Part of getting ready for that trip was getting a Passport. On March 5th of this year that Passport expired. I thought about the many trips I've taken these last 10 years with it and looked at the stamps on it's pages. It has now expired and can no longer be used as legal identification. Each of us comes with an expiration date that only the Lord knows. I knew when I came out of Mexico on Feb 26th that I could never use it again. I had no regrets, for I have used it to travel to many parts of the world. I look forward now to the new one which will arrive in just a few days and to the places I will take it. When my body reaches it's expiration date, I want to be able to say to the Lord. I have no regrets. II Tim 4:7-8 says, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. (8) Now there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that Day; and not to me only, but also to all those who love His appearing."

Jim &Pam Stockdale


I am happy to report to you that the airplane is airworthy for another year. Thanks to John Hudson and the great people at Grace Aviation we are in the air for another year. John is also Pastor of the 2nd Baptist Church in Kingstree, SC who graciously received me while I was there. Even though there was plenty of work to be done, it was done with a merry heart and all is well. It was a busy trip this year with a different speaking engagement nearly every night. I was excited to share in 3 meetings on Sunday and even had a chance to talk to a Motorcycle group on Monday night. Some of them are hoping to join the 2nd annual bike ride this year, which once again will be lead by Larry Biggers. They have aptly named the trip, "Ride for Hope." It is scheduled for the middle of October. If you're interested it will follow a very similar schedule as last year, a minimum of a 10 day ride. The distance makes it impossible to do an enjoyable ride any quicker.

Pam and I have been busily preparing for our next trip to Mexico. By the time this letter arrives in your mail box, Lord willing, we should be there. We plan to leave home this Friday (Feb 19) headed for Garland, TX (Dallas) to be with a dear church, Iglesia Sobre La Roca. They've been partners for many years. This year during our visit I will give them a full dose of Santiago (James) during the Spanish service and Pam will deliver an encouraging word to their English congregation. (They are a Spanish speaking church with an optional English service) This is one of the few churches we visit (in the U.S.) that during their main service (Spanish) there are not enough seats. People will be standing around the walls, excited to be there. The building will seat 300-350. Pastors Gabriel &Betty Morales have done an incredible job. I'm so excited about sharing the book of James with them. I had an opportunity to share it while in Kingstree, SC also. I love each time.

I am now well into James Chapter 2, learning it in English this time. As the Word grows inside of me I can sense God being able to communicate his will more and more. It is a powerful weapon! I am hoping to be ready to do an English presentation by June of this year. The next 3 months will pass whether I learn it or not, what a great investment into my own life. What greater gift could I give myself? I challenge you to take a few verses and learn them until you can quote them during your day. When stress and pressure start to push you around just start quoting the Word. It doesn't really matter what it's about, everything takes a back seat to the Word of God. You will be amazed how much better your days will pass if you just take a Gos-Pill.

Lord willing, Javier and Milly's house will be under construction by the time you receive this letter. I am so excited that they are going to receive the two new rooms and bathroom to their home that they have been patiently waiting on. The law of sowing and reaping is not a U.S. law, but rather it is a law in the Kingdom of God. Milly & Javier sowed seed in faith believing for this day and now we are so excited to be a part of their harvest. Did I tell you that the addition is already paid for? When we began to talk about those rooms being added and when they started sowing, we didn't have the money in our hands to do the work. Now, thank God the money is here! It is so exciting to be a facilitator in the hands of God! Thank you for helping us help others!