Menu Latin American Ministry


December 2011

           Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus! As always the fall is passing way too fast for me. It is my favorite time of the year and filled with so many wonderful memories.  The Lord has been so good to us and we are truly grateful for all his blessings.
            The month of November started with a trip to Houston to Iglesia Sobre la Roca. Pastor Loreto DiCesare and his staff received  us so warmly. Pam preached a powerful message on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It will long be remembered as a life changing word for many. Juan & Maribel Magaña, some dear friends, traveled with us and Maribel served as translator for Pam. The results of the message were powerful. The altar was filled with people hungry for a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit's power in their lives. It was truly a great time.
            One of the benefits of serving as Pastor of a predominately Hispanic church, is the abundance of good Mexican food prepared fresh and often. Their two rule fellowship code is "Big and Often." We have been blessed to have been involved with our church for many years and look forward to more great things to come.  
           As a church we have been renting a Tuscaloosa Parks and Recreation facility to hold our services. Of course this requires set up and take down every week. Yesterday we celebrated our first service in our new location. The Church of the Nazarene offered us the use of their building as a location for our ministry. We were so excited to accept their Kingdom minded invitation. Pastor Freddy Williams and I became acquainted during the tornado relief effort and have maintained a friendship since. His offer was both accepted and appreciated by our church. Thank you Church of the Nazarene.
Wings of Hope, Omega, Christmas 2010
            We are once again planning a great Christmas celebration for all the children in the feeding centers. Javier and his staff are already busy planning the parties. As always each child will receive an assortment of presents and a special Christmas meal prepared and served by the loving staff of each center. Each of the children will hear the story of Christmas taught by the teachers at each location. Early in December we will be hosting an evening out for all the directors at a local restaurant in Saltillo. It will be a special evening for them. They all do so much to make the work successful and we are so appreciative for their sacrifice of love. All of their work is voluntary and we thank God for them and want to show them that they are loved.
            Pam and I want to thank you yet again for your unselfish giving to this ministry. We are so blessed to have you on our team. We pray that you will enter the new year with an expectancy for a harvest from good seed sown in good ground. LAM is blessed to have you as a partner.
            Have a very Merry Christmas, take time with your family and loved ones. Enjoy the sight and sounds of the season and remember that Jesus was born so that you and I could be born again.
                    Your Friends,
                    Jim and Pam Stockdale