and I have just arrived home after a lengthy ministry trip. We traveled a total
of 4075 miles in what we called a Spring Harvest trip. We visited churches and
people in AR, NE, WY and SD. The opportunity to share the Gospel and the work
of LAM as always was the motivation for taking such a long trip. What made this
one different from the others we take? We did it on a motorcycle. The sights
and sounds of such a trip are spectacular but the sights and sounds of people
coming to Christ or rediscovering their purpose is beyond description. The Lord
moved powerfully in homes, churches and
even cafe's during this trip. It was a marvelous time for us. With camera in
hand, Pam documented the trip as we traveled from city to city and state to
state. From a man who felt God would no longer use his gifting and leadership
ability to a guitar player who hadn't played in years. From people called into
a Spanish speaking ministry, to a woman with cancer standing strong in her
faith for God's healing power. We saw God do amazing things. We visited people
we haven't seen in many years and were encouraged to find them strong in the
faith. When I first arrived in Pierre, SD in May of 1988 I asked God for the
meanest man in the city. A few years later I became dear friends with a man who
many said could be that man. On this visit I talked with him at length about
his life. He cried openly as we talked of God, hope and friendship. He told me his heart was right
with God and how I had impacted his life through our friendship. As I listened to him talk I knew I would
someday see this man in heaven. While certainly not completely due to my
efforts, I knew I had a hand in his conversion. My friend that is true mission
work. I stood on a peak, in the Big Horn mountains, with a friend in awe of what God has given us here
on earth and pondered that if earth is this beautiful after man's
contamination, what must heaven be like? (Eye has not seen nor ear heard what
God has prepared)
Together Pam and I prayed for you;
as the sun rose over the prairie or the mountains we called out to the father
on your behalf. Expect to hear from heaven, expect God to do something special
for you. As the Shunamite woman in II Kings 4 don't allow yourself to speak
anything but life over the promises God has given you. She refused to speak
death over her son (her promise). She only spoke, It is Well! Like her we speak
those words over the promises God has made us and we encourage you to do the
same. The fruit from this long journey will only truly be measured in heaven
but we are confident that God has used us this month in some way to bring hope
and encouragement to others.
We want to welcome any new partners
who are receiving this letter for the first time. God blessed us with new
people who will also help carry the torch of providing healthy meals, a word of
hope and a loving environment to hungry children.
the time you read this letter it will be less than 2 weeks until I will once
again be in Cuba. Please help me pray about his trip. I want my visit there to
be a blessing and not a burden. Pray for open doors and divine favor.